Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Self Introduction

Click here to view my self introduction in google documents.

This was the first time I have used Voki. It is a neat program that can be dangerous...I spent so much time "playing" around and creating people. It is like a video game and could be very addicting. I see this as a great tool for the students of today. The way that kids are ALWAYS texting, and using technology for communication, they would surely enjoy creating an animated self and having the animation do the talking. :)
This could be a fun and new way to compare and contrast characters from books or create a book report told by a character from the story. I could go on and on about possibilities for use of Voki in the classroom, but I will allow you to see what you think and come up with.

After much time spent playing around, here is the character for myself I came up with. This was my first exploration with Voki, so I am not to sure if there are additional ways to alter the features aside from the few options on the main screen. I did my best at creating me, and I promise I did not enhance any features to make me more beautiful. (haha, another plus to the program...look how you want)

This program clearly allows students to use their creativity through technology as indicated necessary in the 2000 NETS. It also allows students to use technology as a means of collaboration and communication as described in standard five. It is quit possible that students could have so much fun they could get side tracked and loose sight of the goal. This is where teacher management would be crucial for student success. The program itself is fairly self explanatory and allows for creativity.

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