Thursday, September 19, 2013


We are always looking for new ways to teach, reteach and test knowledge in the classroom. This Jeopardy game template allows the user to create their own version of the game with a chosen topic and questions. I noticed they also have games others have made that you can view and access as well. This is helpful if you want to use the program, but do not have the time to create the game.  
I like the idea of the program and the fact that I could create a game and save the link to use in class, without having to design any background or fancy page layouts. I think a teacher in an upper grade could use the program to have students make the game as part of a review to any subject.  This would relate well to NETS standard 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. 
I think the downfall for me with the program is how 1 dimensional it seems. I would not use it with my first graders very often, because it is too much text and there are too many steps for each question. For example, after you flip over a question it does not change color or show it has been used. you have to click 2 more things before it clears off the board. Too many steps! It would also be nice to have picture options for the boxes or a read aloud feature for younger players.
Overall, it is a neat program and could be a useful way of using technology as a study tool for older kids or classes.

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