Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Intel Thinking Tools

The visual ranking projects that are available through the Intel site are very interesting. I enjoyed exploring the mind started racing with ideas of how I could use it in my classroom. How fun! I am wondering if it is possible to insert pictures and have students organize that way. I will be looking into this idea...more to come on that. The 21st Century Skills ranking activity was neat to think about. The fun think about this tool is that it allows for re-aranging (many times if necessary) until the board looks they way you like. Try it... Intel Thinking Tools, Visual Ranking

Here is the link and our list to our rational for the order of 21st Century Skills. Listed by importance with 1 being the highest.

21st Century Skills

1.Life and career skills
2.Critical thinking
5.Information literacy
6.ICT literacy
7.Media literacy

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Carpe Diem vs. St Marys Learning

This presentation states that software plus mobile is the transformation of K-12 education. My elementary school has taken this to heart for better learning by allowing 5th and 6th graders to bring smartphones(byod) to class as a means of using good resources and apps as a way of teaching and learning. I think this is a great idea and good way of staying in touch with reality. If the world is moving forward with technology there is no reason for us to ignore the benefits for learning. Our students today are so technology savvy, they are are capable of navigating the apps and enjoy using them for learning. I do not think that technology should ever replace education as we know it, but it certainly can enhance it. 
Carpe Diem vs. St. Marys:
The Carpe Diem model of educating students in cubes for half the day seems to minimize thinking and rather masters the skills of memorizing. The St. Marys model of learn by doing gives children an opportunity to work together and problem solve where they master those skills as well as learn the content. As mentioned in the video, a combination of the two is ideal for learning, as our school is trying to accomplish.
In my classroom I am more prepared to teach by the St. Marys learning style, learn by doing. I see such a value in teamwork and problem solving skills that it is hard for me to see myself teaching in a Carpe Diem style all the time. In my classroom we use ipads, laptops and smartboards when possible. I would ideally like to have ipads or tablets available to my students everyday, but our school shares 16 and it is on a sign up system. We visit the computer lab and students learn to use reading, math and science programs for learning. I am prepared to incorporate more software and devices into my teaching, but am not prepared to give up my St. Marys model.
By 2015 will all kids have a mobile device for learning? They absolutely will, but I hope it will be in a learn by doing model where we don't loose sight of the importance of peer interaction and peer learning.


I am so happy we are discussing Salman Khan, the creator of Khan Academy, and the use video has on education. Well, education as we knew it 10 years ago is gone. I mean really, Khan Academy and other online videos, now allow us to educate ourselves on the areas we need support with without criticism or embarrassment. I think Sal Khan took his ideas and education and implemented them in the most amazing way...he is sharing his knowledge with all of us as we need it.

Sal Khan told us that his academy helps people learn by showing"100-200 videos a day"as a means of people educating themselves, at their own pace, on individualized topics. Wow, incredible! I am a real support of this site. My husband discovered the khan academy site a while ago and he uses it all the time. He loves the idea of going to the site and exploring topics he needs practice with on his own. We also love that the lectures are specific to one topic which keeps them short and sweet. It is amazing to be able to pause and rewind or re-watch if needed and then practice until the topic is mastered.

Check it out: Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education


I found Dr. Robinsons Ted Talk to be very intriguing. He makes the point that people are born creative people and as a society we teach people out of being creative, or rather using their creative minds. As I was listening to him talk I found myself thinking so much of my three children, all 4 years and younger. They are so creative in the way they think and play, and I love watching them explore. Their creative solutions to problem solving and putting things together amazes me daily.
Dr. Robinson also talks about the people being afraid to "be wrong" by the time they enter collage and they have already stopped pushing themselves to try new ideas in fear of being wrong. In my classroom of first graders I am constantly trying to get my students to use their imaginations. Some of them are wonderful at this task, but others are already afraid of what might happen if they are "wrong". I am in disbelief that they have already been pushed to only do things one way that they no longer are using their creative minds. In my class it is very difficult to be wrong, because we are learning new strategies and exploring new ways to see math and science. I encourage my students to try and if they are unable to find the solution then try something else. They are rewarded for sharing ideas and trying them out to see if it lead them to success.
I am thinking of sharing Dr. Roninsons Ted Talk with my colleagues as a reminder of how important creative thinking is for us as people, learners and successful individuals. I also love his example of the difference in the way men and women true! And isn't it really true in life as a whole.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Self Introduction

Click here to view my self introduction in google documents.

This was the first time I have used Voki. It is a neat program that can be dangerous...I spent so much time "playing" around and creating people. It is like a video game and could be very addicting. I see this as a great tool for the students of today. The way that kids are ALWAYS texting, and using technology for communication, they would surely enjoy creating an animated self and having the animation do the talking. :)
This could be a fun and new way to compare and contrast characters from books or create a book report told by a character from the story. I could go on and on about possibilities for use of Voki in the classroom, but I will allow you to see what you think and come up with.

After much time spent playing around, here is the character for myself I came up with. This was my first exploration with Voki, so I am not to sure if there are additional ways to alter the features aside from the few options on the main screen. I did my best at creating me, and I promise I did not enhance any features to make me more beautiful. (haha, another plus to the program...look how you want)

This program clearly allows students to use their creativity through technology as indicated necessary in the 2000 NETS. It also allows students to use technology as a means of collaboration and communication as described in standard five. It is quit possible that students could have so much fun they could get side tracked and loose sight of the goal. This is where teacher management would be crucial for student success. The program itself is fairly self explanatory and allows for creativity.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Today we learned how to do some new things in Excel. I use Excel fairly often when I want to compare my students scores against one another or if I want to group them by similarities in their answer choices. By downloading the analysis toolpac it was simple to run the analysis and rearrange the data. The add in allows for customization of analysis breakdown and creates a new spreadsheet within the existing file.
Below is my scatter plot for the data that shows how each state performed in 4th grade reading for 2011. You will notice that 7 states scores above my state, Virginia. My state, Virginia, is doing quit well considering they are performing above the average by 1 standard deviation, or 6 points. With only 7 states scoring higher that puts Virginia in the top third of the country.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Self Grading Form

Today I watched the YouTube video on self grading forms and it was so easy to understand and create on my own. I wrote down the formulas, because that would be the thing I may forget when creating these in the future. Here is the link to the self grading form "how to" video. I have also created a quick link in my Favorite Links section on this page.

For my self grading form I created a quick quiz for my class about sentence writing. It contains three multiple choice questions. Take my quiz and see how you measure up!

This is the link for my spreadsheet that shows the grades for each person who has taken the quiz. The first row contains the correct answers or the "key" for the test. Then I used the formulas from the video to create the grading portion of the test. The final grade is in the column furthest to the right.